1 Silver Tempest Booster Pack:
Silver Tempest was released on November 11, 2022, and is the final main expansion of the Sword & Shield Series. In Japan, it was released as Paradigm Trigger on October 21, 2022, and similarly serves as the twelfth and final expansion of the Sword & Shield Era. Silver Tempest consists of cards sourced from the Japanese Paradigm Trigger expansion, the Incandescent Arcana subset, cards from the Lost Abyss expansion, and Dark Phantasma subset that were not localized in Lost Origin, and some remaining cards from the VMAX Climax subset.
The Legendary Diving Pokémon Lugia is one of the focal Pokémon of the expansion, as is Alolan Vulpix and legendary giants Regieleki and Regidrago. Lugia, Alolan Vulpix, and Regidrago all support the Pokémon VSTAR mechanic, while Regieleki appears as the sole Pokémon VMAX. Other Pokémon VSTAR in Silver Tempest include Unown, Mawile, and Serperior; three Pokémon also represent the Radiant Pokémon mechanic: Alakazam, Jirachi, and Tsareena. The expansion continues the trend of the last few Sword & Shield Series sets by featuring another 30-card Trainer Gallery subset comprising Full Art reprints.
VSTAR Powers are featured on Trainer cards for the first time since their introduction. These cards depict ancient artifacts, similar to those included in the Skyridge expansion, and tie into the narrative that permeates the source Paradigm Trigger expansion. Paradigm Trigger features an unexplored faraway island where Pokémon live quietly[1] and highlights numerous Fossil Pokémon and Pokémon with mysterious origins.
Silver Tempest was available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Paradigm Trigger was available in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Indonesian. Each Silver Tempest booster pack contains ten cards from the expansion, a Pokémon TCG Live code card, and either a basic Energy card or a VSTAR marker card. Each Paradigm Trigger pack contains five cards from the expansion.